Medical cannabis


Cannabis for ADHD

Have you ever heard of cannabis for ADHD? Since 2017, medical cannabis can be prescribed as a medicine under certain conditions.

Cannabis for multiple sclerosis

Worldwide, approximately 2.8 million people are affected by the neurological disease multiple sclerosis. In Germany, about 0.34% of the population lives with it.

Cannabis for cancer

Medical cannabis can make the difficult time of chemotherapy easier for patients because it can reduce unpleasant side effects.

Cannabis against depression

Depression has long been a widespread disease in Germany. In some cases, medical cannabis can be a good supplement for depressive patients.

PTSD and Cannabis as Medicine

Research and medicine is looking at the use of medical cannabis as a complementary treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Cannabis for epilepsy

In Germany, epileptic seizures without an obvious trigger occur in about one in 100 individuals. When all treatment options have been exhausted, cannabidiol (CBD) could be an alternative option.

Cannabis for sleep disorders

According to a health report, around 80 percent of working individuals in Germany suffered from poor sleep in 2017. Can medical cannabis help with sleep disorders?

Cannabis for fibromyalgia - New hope for patients

Fibromyalgia cannot be cured, however, medical cannabis gives hope to patients to regain some quality of life. In this article you can read about the disease and the treatment with medical cannabis.

Cannabis for Crohn's disease

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease, how is it diagnosed and what treatments are available? We answer these questions in the following article. We also focus on cannabis as a medicine for Crohn's disease symptoms.